Ep 123: Overcoming Overwhelm with the Power of the 3 Cs

Season #3

Ep 123: Overcoming Overwhelm with the Power of the 3 Cs

Hey there, dear listeners! It's Elise Enriquez, and in this episode, we're revisiting a concept I introduced way back in my second episode of this podcast: my formula for intention. Let's dive into how clarity, communication, and consistency work together to create intentional actions and outcomes.


What We Covered:

1. My formula for intention: Clarity + Communication + Consistency = Intention

2. A recent "Overcoming Overwhelm" coaching session that perfectly illustrates this concept

3. The challenges of leadership transitions and clear handoffs

4. How we can sometimes contribute to our own frustrations without realizing it

5. Applying this formula to various aspects of our lives and work


Episode Highlights:

- I shared about my complimentary "Overcoming Overwhelm" coaching sessions and how they work

- We explored a case study of a leader struggling with handing off responsibilities

- I walked through the process of identifying the root cause of stress and overwhelm

- We discussed creating an effective onboarding document for leadership transitions

- I explained how to recognize when you might be contributing to your own frustration


Actionable Tips from Elise:

1. Identify the main source of your stress or overwhelm

2. Get crystal clear about what needs to be done and by when

3. Communicate your expectations clearly to those involved

4. Create systems or documents to support consistent action

5. Approach difficult conversations with humility and a willingness to improve


Resources for You:

- Want your own "Overcoming Overwhelm" session with me? Book one using the link in the show notes!

- Connect with me on Instagram @TheProductivityShift to share your sources of overwhelm


Your Next Steps:

1. Take a moment right now to identify your biggest source of stress

2. Apply my clarity, communication, and consistency formula to address it

3. If you found this episode helpful, I'd be so grateful if you left a positive review

4. Share your overwhelm experiences with me on Instagram or book a session for personalized help


Remember, my dear listeners, intentional actions lead to better outcomes in business, leadership, and personal life. Keep making progress on what matters most to you!



Book a complimentary Overcome Your Overwhelm session here.

Let's connect on IG:  
