EP 112: Enneagram and Productivity: Body Types (8, 9, 1 ) with Lisa Alessi

Season #3

Learn more about your Productivity Personality type here: https://www.eliseenriquez.com/quiz



Episode 112: Enneagram and Productivity: Body Types (8, 9, 1) with Lisa Alessi


Host: Elise Enriquez

Productivity Coach

Founder of the GYST Program

IG: https://www.instagram.com/theproductivityshift/



Interview with Lisa Alessi:

 - Lisa provides an overview of the Enneagram, highlighting its ability to uncover deep motivations and belief systems.

 - Discusses the concept of "above the line" and "below the line" behavior in relation to Enneagram types.

 - Explains the triads of the Enneagram, specifically focusing on the body types: 8, 9, and 1.


Type 8: The Protector (Boss):

 - Characteristics include assertiveness, truth-telling, and a focus on power and justice.

 - Above-the-line behavior involves clear communication and empowerment of others.

 - Below-the-line behavior may manifest as intense anger and confrontation.


Type 9: The Peacekeeper (Mediator):

 - Known for seeking harmony and avoiding conflict.

 - Above the line, they excel in collaboration and seeing multiple perspectives.

 - Below the line, they may struggle with procrastination and passive-aggressiveness.


Type 1: The Perfectionist (Improver):

 - Characteristics include a strong sense of responsibility, adherence to standards, and self-criticism.

 - Above the line, they demonstrate reliability and hold themselves and others to high standards.

 - Below the line, they may experience frustration, rigidity, and perfectionism.


Overall Insights and Recommendations:

Use the "Where are you on the line?" tool to assess behavior.





Above the Line/Below the Line Video:

Locating Yourself - A Key to Conscious Leadership



More About Lisa Alessi



Lisa's Bio

Lisa Alessi is a leadership and team development coach with over 30 years of experience working in a consultative capacity with people in a wide range of industries and sectors. Whether working with people in career transition or wanting to advance their leadership capacity with greater ease and grace, Lisa loves helping people determine their next steps with depth of clarity and intentionality.


In working with leaders and their teams, Lisa guides them to connect more meaningfully with themselves and the communities they serve through engaging group experiences.


Lisa is skilled at reading between the lines to get below the surface of what truly motivates people, their patterns of success, critical to effective leadership and achieving their goals and aligning with organizational strategy. Lisa’s key strengths include unlocking behaviors that hold leaders back, building strong relationships by partnering with clients, generating perspective and appreciation, facilitating team growth, coaching and mentoring, and leading change with resilience.


Lisa has a BS in Zoology from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst and numerous trainings, certifications and coursework in the areas of leadership development, conflict mediation, relational dynamics, Appreciative Inquiry, Enneagram applications, positive psychology, emotional resilience and energy management.