EP 109: Personality Assessments Done Right

Season #3

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Episode 109: "Cracking the Personality Code: Navigating Assessments with Purpose"


Welcome back to the Productivity Shift Podcast, Shifters! In this episode, your host Elise Enriquez, a certified life coach and productivity enthusiast, dives into the world of personality assessments. Get ready for a journey of self-discovery and understanding as Elise shares insights on how to approach assessments with intention and make the most out of the results.


Key Points

Intention Matters:

  - Understand the intention behind taking a personality assessment—whether it's personal curiosity or a group requirement.

  - Clarify your goals and intentions before diving into the assessment to ensure a meaningful experience.


Solo Reflection:

  - Whenever possible, take personality assessments on your own terms and in a mindset conducive to honest responses.

  - Discuss the importance of the right environment and mindset for accurate results.


Private Debriefs:

  - Emphasize the significance of private debrief sessions, especially for intact teams.

  - Prioritize individual understanding before group discussions to maintain a safe and respectful environment.


Results are Hypotheses:

  - Remind yourself and others that assessment results are snapshots of a single day's responses.

  - Treat the outcomes as hypotheses, paving the way for further exploration and self-discovery.


Leverage the Information:

  - Once you identify your personality type, explore ways to leverage this knowledge for personal and professional growth.

  - Encourage continuous learning and experimentation based on assessment insights.


What are your personality assessment horror stories? Or wins? DM Elise on Instagram atTheProductivityShift


Remember, Shifters, your personality is a unique code waiting to be unraveled—let the productivity adventure begin!