EP 102: The 3-Step Annual Planning Process

Season #3

Get your ticket to The Planning Party here: https://www.eliseenriquez.com/plan


Planning for Productivity: Annual Planning Party


In this episode of the 'Productivity Shift Podcast', host Elise Enriquez talks about an upcoming annual planning party taking place from November 14th through 16th. She goes into detail about the annual planning process, that is divided into three steps: reflection, vision, and planning.

She uses quotes from influential women like Dolly Parton, Gloria Steinem, and Taylor Swift to explain each phase.


She also shares personal experiences and tools, such as the annual planning workbook and the neuyear calendars. https://www.neuyear.net/

Elise highlights the importance of reflection, creating a vision for the next year that one would be excited about, and planning for reality while dreaming big. E

lise promotes the planning party, detailing what attendees can expect, including an annual planning guidebook, recordings of the sessions, and follow-up Q & A sessions.

The episode ends with Elise encouraging listeners to join the planning party for setting up a productive and fulfilling year ahead.


00:01 Countdown to the Planning Party

00:19 Introduction to the Productivity Shift Podcast

00:56 The Excitement of Annual Planning

02:09 The Three-Step Process: Reflect, Vision, and Plan

02:31 The Importance of Reflection

05:12 Creating a Vision for 2024

08:03 The Planning Phase

10:51 Details about the Planning Party

13:16 Closing Remarks and Future Topics