042: Thriving Through Divorce

Season #2

The doors are opening this week to my GYST: Build Your Bonus Brain Course.

Head on over to eliseenriquez.com/masterclass to grab a spot in the masterclass and to get details on how to sign up.

Guess what, as of July 11th, I have been married for two years to my amazing wife Kim! But what some of you may not know is that I was married before.

I was married to a wonderful guy. He and I met when we were in high school and we dated through our last couple of years of high school and then dated off and on in college.

In this episode, I share all about that relationship, our marriage, and what that ultimately helped me realize that I wasn’t down with where we were headed as a couple.

And the thing that stood out for me when retelling this story was what I took away from that feeling of the ’not this’ space, because it can be a hard place to be.

For anybody out there who is in that space, whether it's big like a marriage, relationship, a job or career OR something a little less life-changing...

No matter how big or small it is, "not this" can be such a gift but it can also be really hard because you want to know "OK so what is it that I want".

All I can tell you is:

  • Hang in there.
  • Don't numb out.
  • Take things one step at a time to help yourself get to more clarity and let people in.
  • You don't have to do this alone.

And so if you are in a state of "not this" no matter how big or small, I really encourage you to:

1 - take a step back and establish what is true.

2 - Get a clear picture of your reality before you start exploring options.

3 - Get a clear picture of what is currently happening in your life and in your world and what that means for what you actually do want.

4 - If there's alignment, then it might just be some tweaks that need to get made.

5 - If there isn't alignment, then there might be bigger changes to explore.

And if you’re still hanging on to something that doesn’t feel right, maybe my question of the week can help you work towards some clarity…

What percentage of your time this week is being spent on fulfilling activities? And are you ok with that?

You know I love to hear from you, so be sure to head on over to my Instragram page and either leave a reply in the comments to the question of the week post OR send me a DM.

PS: If you need help building a bonus brain to help you see the reality of your live so you can start thriving, be sure to sign up for my free masterclass this week. Head on over to eliseenriquez.com/masterclass